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Urdu Dictionary

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Dictionary matches for "شام"






شام शाम śām

H شام शाम śām [S. शम्बा], s.f. The iron head of a pestle, &c.; ferule (of a stick, &c.), mounting; a socket; (in Mech.) a carrier:—śām jaṛnā or śām lagānā (-meṅ), To tip or shoe with iron, &c.; to get mounted; to put on a ferule, &c.

شام shām =S. श्यामा 'night'

P شام shām (=S. श्यामा 'night'), s.f. Evening:—shām phūlnā, The shades of evening to come on:—shām-ke murde-ko (or mare-ko) kab-tak roʼiye, 'How long can you weep for one who died at eventide?'—used to express a circumstance which is likely to prove a matter of life-long regret. (The expression is taken from the custom, among the relations of a dead person, of venting loud lamentations while the corpse remains in the house. If the death happens in the morning, the body is soon removed; but if towards evening, it remains till next morning; in which case the mourners are apt to be overtaken by sleep):—shām-gāh, s.f. Eventide, evening:—shām-o-saḥar, adv. Morning and evening.

شام शाम śām

H شام शाम śām [S. श्यामः], adj. Black, dark (=syām);—s.m. A name of Krishṇ:—śām-sundar, s.m. 'Dark and beautiful'; an epithet of Krishṇ; a proper name.

شام shām

A شام shām, s.m. Syria:—shām-deś, s.m. Idem:—shām-deśī, adj. Of Syria, Syrian;—s.m. A Syrian.


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