faqir kis darja shadman the huzur ko kuchh to yaad hoga

faqir kis darja shadman the huzur ko kuchh to yaad hoga
Abdul Hamid Adam
MORE BYAbdul Hamid Adam
faqīr kis darja shādmāñ the huzūr ko kuchh to yaad hogā
huzūr kis darja mehrbāñ the huzūr ko kuchh to yaad hogā
vo mai-kada thā sanam-kada thā ki bāb-e-jannat khule hue the
tamām shab aap ham kahāñ the huzūr ko kuchh to yaad hogā
vahāñ bahāroñ ke zamzame the vahāñ nigāroñ ke jamgaThe the
vahāñ sitāroñ ke kārvāñ the huzūr ko kuchh to yaad hogā
pahan ke phūloñ ke taaj sar par hasīn-o-shādāb masnadoñ par
subū-ba-kaf kaun hukmarāñ the huzūr ko kuchh to yaad hogā
marāhil-e-rāhat-o-amāñ the masā.il-e-māh-o-kahkashāñ the
mashāġhil-e-harf-o-dāstāñ the huzūr ko kuchh to yaad hogā
agarche shauq-o-talab the be-sāḳhta ham-āġhoshiyoñ pe maa.il
ka.ī takalluf bhī darmiyāñ the huzūr ko kuchh to yaad hogā
latīf shāmeñ tabī.atoñ ke zamīr se ḳhuub āshnā thiiñ
hasīñ savere mizāj-dāñ the huzūr ko kuchh to yaad hogā
nazar kī had tak muhīt thā silsila mahakte hue guloñ kā
guloñ meñ pariyoñ ke ghar nihāñ the huzūr ko kuchh to yaad hogā
ajiib sāñche kī kashtiyāñ bah rahī thiiñ lahroñ ke zer-o-bam par
ajiib sūrat ke bādbāñ the huzūr ko kuchh to yaad hogā
ulūhiyat aap is hasīñ ittifāq par muskurā rahī thī
sanam ḳhudāoñ ke mehmāñ the huzūr ko kuchh to yaad hogā
jo vāqiye the vo gūñjte zamzamoñ ke mānind maujzan the
jo ḳhvāb the sarv-e-bostāñ the huzūr ko kuchh to yaad hogā
kahīñ kahīñ salsabīl o kausar kī jot maujūd thī zamīñ par
kahīñ kahīñ arsh-o-āsmāñ the huzūr ko kuchh to yaad hogā
shab-e-mohabbat huzūr kī kākuloñ ke khulne ke silsile meñ
'adam' ke isrār kyā javāñ the huzūr ko kuchh to yaad hogā
faqir kis darja shadman the huzur ko kuchh to yaad hoga
huzur kis darja mehrban the huzur ko kuchh to yaad hoga
wo mai-kada tha sanam-kada tha ki bab-e-jannat khule hue the
tamam shab aap hum kahan the huzur ko kuchh to yaad hoga
wahan bahaaron ke zamzame the wahan nigaron ke jamgaThe the
wahan sitaron ke karwan the huzur ko kuchh to yaad hoga
pahan ke phulon ke taj sar par hasin-o-shadab masnadon par
subu-ba-kaf kaun hukmaran the huzur ko kuchh to yaad hoga
marahil-e-rahat-o-aman the masail-e-mah-o-kahkashan the
mashaghil-e-harf-o-dastan the huzur ko kuchh to yaad hoga
agarche shauq-o-talab the be-saKHta ham-aghoshiyon pe mail
kai takalluf bhi darmiyan the huzur ko kuchh to yaad hoga
latif shamen tabiaton ke zamir se KHub aashna thin
hasin sawere mizaj-dan the huzur ko kuchh to yaad hoga
nazar ki had tak muhit tha silsila mahakte hue gulon ka
gulon mein pariyon ke ghar nihan the huzur ko kuchh to yaad hoga
ajib sanche ki kashtiyan bah rahi thin lahron ke zer-o-bam par
ajib surat ke baadban the huzur ko kuchh to yaad hoga
uluhiyat aap is hasin ittifaq par muskura rahi thi
sanam KHudaon ke mehman the huzur ko kuchh to yaad hoga
jo waqiye the wo gunjte zamzamon ke manind maujzan the
jo KHwab the sarw-e-bostan the huzur ko kuchh to yaad hoga
kahin kahin salsabil o kausar ki jot maujud thi zamin par
kahin kahin arsh-o-asman the huzur ko kuchh to yaad hoga
shab-e-mohabbat huzur ki kakulon ke khulne ke silsile mein
'adam' ke israr kya jawan the huzur ko kuchh to yaad hoga
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