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Dictionary matches for "تنگ"


تنگ tang

P تنگ tang [Pehl. tang; Zend tangista, rt. tać = S. तञ्च्], adj. Contracted, straitened, confined, strait, narrow, tight; wanting, scarce, scanty, stinted, barren; distressed, poor, badly off; distracted, troubled, vexed; dejected, sad, sick (at heart);—s.m. A horse-belt, girth;—a bag, sack; half a horse's, bullock's, or camel's load;—a bell:—tang-ānā, or ba-tang ānā (-se), To be distressed or incommoded (by), to be in distress or difficulty; to be troubled, or vexed, or harassed (by); to be utterly weary or sick (of), to have one's patience exhausted (by); to be dejected or sad:—tang-posh, adj. Wearing tight clothes, tightly dressed:—tang-poshī, s.f. Tightness of dress:—tang ćashm, adj. Insatiable, covetous; miserly, niggard:—tang-ḥāl, adj. Straitened in circumstances, poor, distressed, destitute, in great straits:—tang-ḥālī, s.f. Narrow circumstances, straits, distress, poverty, adversity:—tang-ḥauṣila, adj. 'Of narrow stomach or capacity'; unable to keep a secret (=tunuk-z̤arf):—tang-darzī, s.f. Close stitching:—tang-dast, adj. Poor, penniless; close-fisted, miserly, niggard:—tang-dastī, s.f. Poverty, penury, want; inability (to do any thing), helplessness;—parsimony, niggardliness:—tang-dil, adj. & s.m. Narrow-hearted, illiberal, miserly, niggard (=tang-ćashm); sick at heart, dejected, sad, sorrowful (=dil-tang);—a miser, a niggard:—tang-dilī, s.f. Niggardliness, stinginess, parsimony;—heart-ache, grief, sorrow, dejection (=dil-tangī):—tang-dahan, adj. Small-mouthed, an epithet of a sweetheart:—tang karnā, v.t. To contract, straiten, narrow, tighten; to distress, vex, worry, harass; to put pressure upon, to compel, to oppress:—tang kasnā, tang khaiṅćnā, v.n. To tighten the girth (of a saddle):—tang lenā (-), To contract, take in, tighten (a knot, buckle, &c.):—tang-nā, s.m. tang-nāʼe, s.f. A narrow place or passage, a strait; a defile:—tang-waqt, s.m. Moment of difficulty, critical moment, emergency; hard times:—tang hāth honā, v.n. To be in straits, be badly off, be penniless:—tang honā, or ba tang honā, v.n.=tang ānā, q.v.

تنگ tung

P تنگ tung, s.m. A vessel with a long and narrow neck; a body of troops.


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