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little, less, scanty, rare






pen name



stay, permanence, present, established


کم kam

P کم kam [Pehl. kem, or kim; Zend kamna], adj. Deficient, less, short; little, small, inconsiderable; abated; scanty;—adv. Rarely, seldom (the term is much used as the first member of compounds, and generally imports the idea of negation, defectiveness, or inferiority):—kam-iḵẖtilāt̤ī, s.f. Littleness of intercourse, slightness of acquaintance:—kam-āzār, adj. Uninjurious, not troublesome, not cruel:—kam-āzārī, s.f. The doing little injury, causing but little trouble:—kam-asbābī, s.f. Deficiency in goods or materials; poverty:—kam-aṣl, adj. Of low origin, base-born, low-bred, ignoble, vile, mean:—kam-baḵẖt, adj. & s.m. Of ill fate or fortune, unfortunate, unlucky; miserable; rascally;—unlucky wight; wretch:—kam-baḵẖtī, s.f. Ill-luck, lucklessness, unfortunateness; adversity, misfortune, calamity:—kam-baḵẖtī ānā (-ko), To be overtaken by adversity or misfortune:—kam-baḵẖtī-kā mārā, adj. & s.m. (f. -kī mārī), Afflicted; accursed; wretched;—afflicted one, miserable wretch:—kam-bar, s.m.(?), A division of the suits at cards (see s.v. tāj):—kam-biẓāʻat, adj. Having little capital or scanty means, poor, indigent:—kam-bag̠al, adj. With few followers or attendants:—kam-besh, or kam-o-besh, adv. More or less:—kam-pā, adj. Of short duration, not lasting or durable; frail, transient:—kam-pāʼī, s.f. Shortness of duration; frailty; instability:—kam-pāya, adj. Of low degree, low, mean:—kam-tawajjuhī, s.f. Inattention, inadvertence, carelessness:—kam-tol, adj. Of deficient weight:—kam-tolā, s.m. One who gives short weight:—kam-jurʼat, adj. Devoid of courage, cowardly:—kam-ḥarkat, adj. Moving slowly or seldom, indolent, lazy, sluggish:—kam-ḥauṣilagī or ḥauṣlagī, s.f. Poor-spiritedness; illiberality; narrowness:—kam-ḥauṣila, or ḥauṣla, adj. Unaspiring, unambitious, poor-spirited:—kam-ḥais̤īyat, adj. Of small means; of low condition; common; mean, beggarly:—kam-ḵẖarć, adj. Thrifty, economical, parsimonious, close-fisted:—kam-ḵẖarć bālā-nishīn, Of good quality and purchased cheap; at small expense living in good style:—kam-ḵẖarćī, s.f. Economy; parsimony; penury;—kam-ḵẖarćī-meṅ āṭā gīlā, In a state of penury the dough (made) thin (thus necessitating the addition of more flour, and the incurring of greater expenditure); lavish expenditure with little means (see also āṭā gīlā, s.v. āṭā):—kam-ḵẖirad, adj. Of little understanding, unwise, ignorant:—kam-ḵẖẉābī, s.f. Want of sleep, sleeplessness:—kam-ḵẖor, and kam-ḵẖẉurāk or ḵẖorāk, adj. Eating little, abstemious:—kam-ḵẖẉurākī, s.f. Abstemiousness, abstinence:—kam-ẕāt, adj. Of low origin or caste, low-bred (=kam-aṣl):—kam-ẕītī, s.f. Low extraction; baseness:—kam-ẕihn, adj. Of little mental power; without abilities; forgetful:—kam-rāh, adj. Slow, without bottom (a horse):—kam-rasm, adj. Less usual, in little use:—kam-rang, adj. Of a pale or faint colour:—kam-rū, adj. Lacking beauty, plain; ill-favoured, ugly;—timid, cowardly; despicable:—kam-rau, adj. Slow-paced (a horse):—kam-zabānī, s.f. Rareness of talking; reserve, taciturnity:—kam-zadanī karnā, To affect extraordinary humility:—kam-zor, adj. Weak, feeble, infirm, powerless; ineffectual;—kam-zor karnā, v.t. To weaken, &c.; to impoverish, to exhaust:—kam-zorī, s.f. Weakness, debility:—kam-ziyād, or kam-o-ziyād, adv. More or less:—kam-sāl, or kam-sin, adj. Young, of tender years:—kam-sālī, or kam-sinnī, s.f. Tender age, youth, minority, nonage:—kam-suḵẖan, adj. & s.m. Speaking little, of few words, reserved, taciturn;—one who says little, a man of few words, a reserved person:—kam sunnā, v.n. To be hard of hearing;—v.t. To pay little heed or attention to:—kam-se kam, adv. At the very least:—kam-shān, adj. Of little dignity, humble, mild, affable, unassuming:—kam-sharr, adj. Well-disposed, of good dispositions, good-natured:—kam-sharḥ, s.f. Low rate; low wages;—adv. At a low rate, on moderate terms:—kam-shauq, adj. Having little desire or taste for, indifferent:—kam-t̤ālěʻ, adj. Of little fortune or luck, unfortunate, unlucky:—kam-ẕarf, adj. & s.m. Shallow, of little capacity, stupid, silly, witless; base, ignoble, vile;—a shallow, or a witless fellow; ignoble creature, vile fellow:—kam-ẕarfī, s.f. Want of capacity, shallowness; want of ability or spirit, witlessness; baseness, meanness:—kam-ʻaql, adj. & s.m. Of feeble understanding or wit, stupid, ignorant, fatuous, foolish;—fatuous one, &c.:—kam-ʻaqlī, s.f. Feebleness or want of understanding, stupidity, fatuity:—kam-ʻumr, adj.=kam-sin, q.v.:—kam-ʻumrī, s.f.=kam-sālī or kam-sinnī, q.v.:—kam-farāg̠ī, s.f. Want of leisure or ease:—kam-furṣatī, s.f. Want of leisure or ease; want of opportunity:—kam-fahm, adj.=kam-ʻaql, q.v.:—kam-fahmī, s.f.=kam-ʻaqlī, q.v.:—kam-qadr, adj. Worthless; mean, low, common;—kam-qadr honā, v.n. To fall in value or esteem, to deteriorate:—kam-qadrī, s.f. Worthlessness; decline, deterioration, degradation:—kam-qadam, adj. Slow-paced:—kam-quwwat, adj. Feeble, weak, powerless:—kam-quwwatī, s.f. Powerlessness, inability:—kam-qīmat, adj. Low-priced, cheap:—kam karnā, v.t. To diminish, lessen, decrease, reduce; to deduct; to relax, remit; to moderate, modify, temper; to contract:—kam-kam, adv. Little by little:—kam-go, adj. & s.m. Of few words, reserved, &c. (=kam-suḵẖan, q.v.):—kam-goʼī, s.f. Taciturnity, reserve:—kam-māyagī, s.f. Scantiness or deficiency of means or wealth, poverty, indigence; smallness of quantity; scarcity:—kam-māya, adj. Having little capital or wealth, poor, indigent; deficient in quantity, scarce:—kam-meḥnatī, s.f. Littleness of labour; indolence:—kam-naṣīb, adj. Unfortunate, luckless:—kam-naṣībī, s.f. Misfortune, ill-luck:—kam-naz̤ar, adj. Weak-sighted, dim-sighted:—kam-nigāhī, s.f. Inattention, neglect, disregard, coldness:—kam-o-besh, adj. More or less:—kam-wazn, Short of weight:—kam-o-kāst, s.f. Loss, deficiency:—kam-himmat, adj. Spiritless; daunted; mean-spirited, cowardly:—kam-himmatī, s.f. Want of spirit; mean-spiritedness, meanness:—kam hoṅā, v.n. To lessen, diminish, decrease; to abate; to fail, come short; to fall, sink:—kam-yāb, adj. Scarce, rare, uncommon, curious:—kam-yābī, s.f. Scarcity, rarity.

کام काम kām

H کام काम kām [Prk. कम्मो; S. कर्म (base कर्मन्)], s.m. Action, act, deed, work, doing, handiwork, performance; work, labour, duty, task, job; business, occupation, employment, office, function; operation, undertaking, transaction, affair, matter, thing, concern, interest;—a hard task, a difficult matter; a feat; object, end, purport;—workmanship; manufacture; needlework, embroidery;—service, use; serviceableness, fitness (for); need (of, -se), occasion (for);—the mail-packet, mails, post-bag:—kām-āsakt, adj. Zealously following or pursuing a business; occupied, busy:—kām ānā or ā-jānā, v.n. To come into use; to come of use (to, -ke), be of use or service, prove serviceable (to); to be of avail, to avail, to stand in stead; to be wanted; to be used, or consumed, or spent (in, -meṅ); to fall, be killed or slain (in battle, &c.):—kām baṛhānā (-, or apnā), To increase the work (of);—to lay aside work, to cease from, or give over, work:—kām bigāṛnā or bigāṛ-denā (-), To spoil or mar the work (of); to make a mess of a business, &c.; to put a spoke in (one's) wheel; to baffle, to foil; to ruin (one's) reputation or credit:—kām baiṭhnā, v.n. A work to be begun; a workshop to be opened, a business to be started or established:—kām-par jānā, v.n. To go to work; to go on duty:—kām-par honā, v.n. To be at work; to be engaged in work, to have a post or employment, be in office:—kām paṛnā, v.n. To come or be of use, to prove of service (=kām ānā); to have to do (with, -se), to have business (with), to require, be in need (of), have occasion (for):—kām-pe (or -par) lagānā (-ko), To set (one) to work, give (one) work to do; to give (one) an employment, to employ, take into service:—kām tamām karnā (-), To finish a work or business, accomplish a task; to settle the business (of), to put an end (to one), to despatch, to kill:—kām tamām honā (-), A work or task to be finished, &c.; the business (of a person) to be settled, to be put an end (to), to be killed:—kām ćaṛhānā (-), To put a work or job in hand; to set a (machine, &c.) to work:—kām ćalānā (apnā), To keep a work going; to further or advance a work or business; to manage to do (with, -meṅ):—kām-ćalāʼū, adj. Sufficient to go on with; answering as a make-shift; serviceable:—kām-ćor, s.m. One who shirks work; one who does not give his full tale of work; a skulker, an idle fellow:—kām-dār, adj. Worked (with, -); having any particular kind of work; embroidered;—s.m. Man of business, manager, agent, steward:—kām-dārī, s.f. Managership, management, agency, stewardship:—kām-dānī, s.f. A kind of embroidery work on net or muslin (small flowers worked in gold or silver thread):—kām dekhnā (-), To inspect the work (of), to overlook, supervise:—kām denā (-ko), To give work or employment (to), to employ; to make over office or charge (to); to render good service (to, -), to work well (for):—kām rakhnā (-se), To have business or work (with), to have to do (with), to occupy oneself (with); to be connected (with):—kām supurd karnā (-ko), To give (one) work to do; to make over charge of an office (=kām denā):—kām-se jātā rahnā, v.n. To be or become unfit for use, to become unserviceable, be past work; to be removed from office or employment:—kām-se kām rakhnā (apne), To mind one's own business:—kām farmānā, v.t. To bring into operation or use, to make use of, to apply:—kām-kā, adj. (f. -ī), Of work, working, busy (e.g. kām-kā din); of use, useful, of service, serviceable, of importance (to, -se); of need:—kām-kāj, s.m. Work, occupation, business, affairs:—kām-kājī, adj. & s.m. Laborious, industrious, busy, active; managing, superintending;—a worker, laborious or industrious man; manager, superintendent:—kām karnā, To do work, to be busy; to act; to engage in practical affairs; to mind (one's own, apnā) business; to accomplish a business; to act or operate (upon, -par), to be of use (to), to take effect (on), be effectual, to succeed; to settle the business (of, -), to kill, destroy:—kām khulnā, v.n.=kām baiṭhnā, q.v.:—kām lagānā, To begin a work, to take or put a work in hand:—kām lenā, To take in work, to undertake a job; to take over charge of an office (from, -se); to work (one, or a beast, &c.), to make use (of, -se), to use:—kām milnā, To obtain an employment, or a post, &c.:—kām-meṅ, adv. In work; in use:—kām-meṅ deh ćurānā or lūkānā, To shirk work, to skulk; to work in a dilatory manner:—kām-meṅ kām nikālnā, To kill two birds with one stone:—kām-meṅ lānā (-ko), To bring into use, to use, to employ; to apply; to expend:—kām nikālnā (-se), To carry into effect, to effect (one's) purpose (by means of), to accomplish (one's) desire; to get (one's) work done:—kām nikalnā (-se), Work to be got out (of); things to be gained, or to result:—kām-hīn, adj. Without work, unemployed, unoccupied; vacant; unused, lying idle.

قائم qāʼim act. part. of قوم 'to stand,' c.

A قائم qāʼim (act. part. of قوم 'to stand,' &c.), adj. Standing; erect, perpendicular; right;—stationary; stagnant; quiescent; firm, fixed, established; durable, lasting, perpetual, constant; stable; stedfast;—continuing, in force;—vigilant; attentive, persevering;—stopped, drawn (a game);—s.f. A drawn game (of chess, &c.):—qāʼim uṭhnā, v.n. To be drawn (a game):—qāʼimuʼz-zāwiya, adj. & s.m. Right-angled (triangle, &c.);—a rectangle:—qāʼimuʼn-nār, s.m.(?), lit. 'Fixed by fire'; fixed quicksilver:—qāʼim rakhnā (-par), To keep (one) firm or fixed (to); to keep up, to preserve; to make good; to uphold, support:—qāʼim rahnā (-par), To continue, remain; to hold or stand good, to continue in operation or force; to survive, outlive; to stand firm, to keep (one's) footing; to keep constant or stedfast (to), to continue firm (in); to stick (to):—qāʼim karnā, v.t. To erect; to set up (a claim, or right, &c.); to fix, establish, institute; to constitute; to appoint (to, -par), to instal (in); to render permanent, &c.; to uphold, maintain, support:—qāʼim-mizāj, adj. Of a settled temper or mind, fixed, constant; firm, determined, resolute; persevering:—qāʼim-maqām, s.m. One who acts in the place (of another), a locum-tenens; a viceroy, vicegerent, lieutenant, deputy, representative; successor; assignee; surrogate; procurator; proctor;—adj. Acting, or officiating:—qāʼim-maqāmī, s.f. Vicegerency, &c.; succession; assigneeship; representation; deputation:—qāʼim honā (-par), To be erected (on); to be set up; to be established, to be instituted; to be fixed or settled (in); to be firm (in); to be permanently appointed (to);—to stand (upon); to stand or hold (to);—to arise, spring up; to reveal or manifest itself; to take place, happen, occur.

قوم qaum v.n. fr. قوم 'to stand,' c.

A قوم qaum (v.n. fr. قوم 'to stand,' &c.), s.f. A people, nation; a tribe, race, family; sect, caste:—qaum-dār, adj. Of good family or race:—qaum-o-ḵẖẉesh, s.m. pl. Friends and relations.

کام kām

P کام kām [old P. kāma; Pehl. kāmak; Zend kāma, rt. kam; S. काम], s.m. Desire, wish; design, intention;—the palate:—kām-rān, adj. Successful in every undertaking, fortunate, prosperous, happy, blest:—kām-rānī, s.f. Complete attainment of one's wishes, enjoyment of all the mind desires; fortune, prosperity, success; happiness, felicity, pleasure:—kām-rawā, adj. Obtaining desire; enjoying; gratified:—kām-rawāʼī, s.f. Attainment of desire, fruition, enjoyment:—kām-kār, or kām-gār, adj. & s.m. Effecting or obtaining whatever is desired, successful, prosperous, fortunate; powerful, absolute, uncontrolled;—one who accomplishes whatever he wishes; an absolute monarch;—a beast or bird of chase that always secures its prey:—kām-yāb, adj. Obtaining one's object, or all that one desires, successful, prosperous, satisfied, happy:—kām-yābī, s.f. Attainment of one's desires, success, fruition, prosperity, happiness.


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