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jis ke hote hue hote the zamāne mere

رد کریں ڈاؤن لوڈ شعر


لفظوں کے معنی دیکھنے کے لیے سرچ باکس میں ٹائپ کیجیے

"حرف" کے معنی

ریختہ لغت



word/ blame

پلیٹس لغت

حرف ḥarf inf. n. of حرف 'to turn from, to alter,' c.

A حرف ḥarf (inf. n. of حرف 'to turn from, to alter,' &c.), s.m. Changing, altering; inverting, turning (as a coat);—extremity, verge, border, margin, brink, brow, side, edge; ridge or ledge (of a mountain); summit of a mountain;—nib (of a writing-reed) obliquely cut; a crooked pen; writing obliquely;—a letter of the alphabet; (in Gram.) an indeclinable word, a particle;—a word (so used in lexicons, &c.);—blame, censure, reproach, stigma, animadversion:—ḥarf-āshnā, adj. & s.m. Being just able to read, knowing the letters;—one who knows the letters:—ḥarf ānā, v.n. Infamy or reproach to be incurred:—ḥarf-andāz, adj. Cunning, artful:—ḥarf-andāzī, s.f. Cunning, artifice:—ḥarf uṭhānā or uṭhā-lenā, v.n. To make out the letters, to read; to decipher:—ḥarf uṛnā or uṛ-jānā, v.n. The letters (or a letter) to be obliterated or effaced:—ḥarf-ě-istis̤nā or ḥarfuʼl-istis̤nā, s.m. A particle of exception:—ḥarf-ě-istidrāk or ḥarfuʼl-istidrāk, s.m. Adversative particle:—ḥarf-ě-istifhām or ḥarfuʼl-istifhām, s.m. Interrogative particle:—ḥarf biṭhānā or baiṭhālnā, v.n. To compose (for printing):—ḥarf-ba-ḥarf, adv. Letter by letter, literally, syllable by syllable, word for word:—harf banānā (-meṅ), To alter letters or words, to insert a letter; to alter or tamper with (a writing or document);—to write well or carefully:—ḥarf-par uṅglī rakhnā, harf pakaṛnā, v.n. To find fault (with), to pick holes (in), to cavil (at); to censure; to criticise:—ḥarfuʼt-tākīd, s.m. Particle of injunction or emphasis:—ḥarfuʼt-taḵẖsīs, s.m. Particle of identity or specification:—ḥarf-ě-tardīd or ḥarfuʼt-tardīd, s.m. Disjunctive particle:—ḥarf-ě-tashbīh or ḥarfuʼt-tashbīh, s.m. Particle of similitude:—ḥarf-ě-taʻrīf or ḥarfuʼt-taʻṛīf, s.m. The definite article:—ḥarf-ě-taʻlīl or ḥarfuʼt-taʻlīl, s.m. Particle of cause or reason:—ḥarf-ě-tankīr or ḥarfuʼt-tankīr, s.m. The indeterminate article:—ḥarf-ě-jārra, s.m. A preposition:—ḥarf jamānā, ḥarf joṛnā, v.n. To compose (for printing):—ḥarf-ě-rabt̤, s.m. A preposition (=ḥarf-ě-jārra):—ḥarf rakhnā (kisī-par), To lay blame (on), impute a fault (to one), to stigmatize:—ḥarf-zan, adj. Talking, speaking; vocal;—ḥarf-zan honā, v.n. To speak, &c.:—ḥarf-ě-shart̤ or ḥarfuʼsh-shart̤, s.m. Conditional particle:—ḥarf-shinās, s.m. One who is learning the letters, or is beginning to read, a beginner:—ḥarf-shinau, adj. & s.m. Attending to what is said;—one who listens to advice:—ḥarf-ě-ṣaḥīḥ, s m. A consonant:—ḥarf-ě-ʻaṭf or ḥarfuʼl-ʻaṭf, s.m. Copulative particle, a conjunction:—ḥarf-ě-ʻillat, s.m. A weak letter, or a long vowel (i.e. ا, or و, or ي):—ḥarf-gīr, adj. & s.m. Cavilling, captious, censorious;—censurer, caviller, critic:—ḥarf-gīrī, s.f. Censoriousness, cavil; criticism;—ḥarf-gīrī karnā (-par), To cavil (at), to censure, find fault (with), to criticise:—ḥarf lānā (-par), To find fault (with), to blame, cast a stigma or slur (on), to disparage:—ḥārf-ě-maʻnawī, s.m. A significant particle, a postposition:—ḥarf-nā-shinau, adj. Not attending to advice, obstinate:—ḥarf-nā-shinavī, s.f. Inattention to advice; obstinacy:—ḥarf-ě-nidā or ḥarfuʼn-nidā, s.m. Vocative particle; an interjection:—ḥarf-ě-nudbā or ḥarfuʼn-nudbat, s.m. Particle of lamentation;—an interjection:—ḥarf-ě-nafī, s.m. Particle of negation:—ḥarf-o-ḥikāyat, s.f. Conversation, discourse;—disputing:—ḥarf-o-suḵẖan, s.m. Word and speech, talk, discourse:—ḥarf honā (-par), To be a stigma, stain, spot, or disgrace (upon); to be derogatory (to).


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