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Poets/Writers From Uttar pradesh

Total: 1458

Akbar Allahabadi

1846 - 1921

The greatest Urdu poet of humour and satire who was a Sessions judge at Allahabad.

Firaq Gorakhpuri

1896 - 1982

One of the most influential Pre-modern poets who paved the way for the modern Urdu ghazal. Known for his perceptive critical comments. Recipient of Gyanpeeth award.

Meer Anees

1803 - 1874

One of the most prominent classical poets at Lucknow, who excelled in Mersia poetry. Contemporary of Mirza Ghalib.

Meer Hasan

1717 - 1786

Considered to be the foremost poet of masnavi

One of the most prolific 18th century poets, contemporary of Mir Taqi Mir.

One of the most prominent classical Urdu poets who wrote extensively on Indian culture & festivals. Contemporary of Mir Taqi Mir. Famous for his poems on Holi, Diwali and Lord Krishna

Qayem Chaandpuri

1725 - 1794

Prominent 18th century poet, contemporary of Mir Taqi Mir.

Prominent post-modern poet who went missing in 1996

A prominent scholar, author, translator, and novelist of twentieth century. Had a keen eye on the socio-cultural life of Lucknow.

Ambar Bahraichi

1949 - 2021

Well-known Sanskrit scholar, Sahitya Academy award winner.

Asad Badayuni

1958 - 2003

Leading poet who taught Urdu literature at AMU, Aligarh, also published a literary magazine 'Daairay'

Asghar Gondvi

1884 - 1936

One of leading pre-modern poets known for the mystic content of his poetry, close associate of Jigar Moradabadi

One of the most famous Progressive poets known for romantic & revolutionary poetry. He was maternal Uncle to film lyricist Jawed Akhtar.

Auj lakhnavi

1853 - 1917

A prominent poet of Lucknow, son of Mirza Dabeer, also known for his book on 'Arooz' called 'Miqyas-ul-Ashaar'

Bedam Shah Warsi

1876 - 1936

Sufi poet famous for his devotional poetry

Dushyant Kumar

1933 - 1975

Prominent Hindi poet and fiction writer of the twentieth century; wrote many popular poems and earned a name for his Hindi ghazal

Fani Badayuni

1879 - 1941

One of the most prominent post-classical poets famous for his pessimistic view of life.

Contemporary of Mirza Ghalib, Aatish was one of the shining stars of 19th century Urdu Ghazal.

One of the most prominent and trend-setter classical poets from Lucknow. Contemporary of Mirza Ghalib.

Irfan Siddiqi

1939 - 2004

One of the most-prominent modern poets, famous for his neo-classical poetry.

Ismail Merathi

1844 - 1917

Most famous Urdu poet writing poetry for children.

Jigar Moradabadi

1890 - 1960

One of the most prominent pre-modern poets who enjoyed stunning popularity and fan-following.

Known for depicting romantic encounters with the beloved in lurid details. Lost his eye sight in the prime of youth


1440 - 1518

Prominent saint-poet of the Nirguna tradition of medieval Bhakti-literature. Known for his rebellious views on caste and untouchability.

One of the founding fathers of modern Urdu criticism in the subcontinient.

Prominent 19th Century poet at Lucknow.

Son and crown prince of the last nawab of Awadh Wajid Ali Shah

Known for his iconic Masnavi 'Zahr-e-Ishq' a romantic tale written in lyrical verse

Prominent classical poet from Lucknow, known for his ghazal 'aake sajjada-nashin qais hua mere baad…'

Prominent classical poet who was part of the first war of independence in 1857.

Naiyer Masud

1936 - 2017

Prominent short story writer, known for writing fictional narratives of the traditional mores of Lucknowi life and times. Also wrote critical and autobiographical books.

Nizam Rampuri

1819 - 1872

Prominent poet of Rampur style who was described by Mirza Ghalib as 'Mir of Rampur'.

Nushur Wahidi

1912 - 1983

Prominent poet of romantic-sufistic persuasion with lyrical tone.

One of the most celebrated 19th century Lucknow poets, author of the renowned masnavi gulzaar-e-naseem


1880 - 1936

The first prominent Hindi-Urdu fiction writer who gave artistic expression to social concerns through his novel and stories.

Known for Rekhti, a form of Urdu poetry where a poet speaks in language of women.

Translator, Storyteller and poet, Known for his book Fasana-e-Azad

Rind Lakhnavi

1797 - 1857

Nawab of Lucknow, a pupil of Aatish.

Riyaz Khairabadi

1853 - 1934

Well-known poet known for his poetry on wine, though he is said to have never touched wine.

One of the most prominent contemporary poets of the subcontinent. Equally creative in nazm and ghazal

Shibli Nomani

1857 - 1914

One of the founders of Urdu literary criticism, great historian, religious scholar, political thinker and poet famous for his work on Persian poetry Sher-ul-Ajam.

A prominent story writer, a contemporary of Manto, also known for his radio plays.

Waheed Akhtar

1935 - 1996

One of most outstanding modern poets and critics.

Yagana Changezi

1884 - 1956

One of most inspiring pre-modern poets who laid foundations for modern ghazal. Known for his sustained denunciation of Mirza Ghalib and contemporary poetry in Lucknow.

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