Selected poetry of hundreds of poets
- Ghazal
- Nazm
- Sher
- Short story
- Article
- Quote
- Mazahiya Shayari
- Tanz-o-Mazah
- Hindi Ghazal
- Doha
- Rekhti
- Afsancha
- Rubai
- Marsiya
- Sehra
- Kulliyat
- Non prevalent ghazals
- Drama
- Novelette
- Qadir Nama
- Qasida
- Naat
- Qita
- Salam
- Manqabat
- Qisse
- Mukhammas
- Rubai Mustazaad
- Khud-Navisht Savaneh
- Masnavi
- Waasokht
- Tazmin
- Non prevalent Sher
- Tarkib Band
- Allusions
- Children's Story
- Kah Mukarniyan
- Lori
- Haiku
- Geet
- Ashra
- Paheli
- Translation
- Khaka
- Reportage
- interview
- Letter
- Hamd
- Translated Poetry
- Filmi Geet
- Nasri Nazm
- Triveni
Popular short story writer, novelist and playwright, known for his romantic style of rendition
Abdullah Husain
Prominent fiction writer, celebrated for his novel "Udaas Naslein".
Story writer and novelist; known for his stories on social issues; also a recipient of Sahitya Akademi award.
Abid Suhail
Prominent journalist and short story writer, known for his autobiography "Jo Yaad Rahaa".
Abrar Mojeeb
Known for his acute observations of social realities among the contemporary fiction writers and their representation in his fiction.
Abul Fazal Siddiqui
Well-known fiction writer and translator from Pakistan; witnessed the travails of Partition and made it the subject of his writings.
Prominent among the new generation short story writers from Pakistani.
Ahmad Daood
One of the contemporary story writers; wrote on issues relating to day-today life.
Ahmad Hamesh
Prominent modernist poet, story writer, one of the first poets to write prose poems; also edited important journal "Tashkeel".
Ahmad Javeed
One the prominent short fiction writers from Pakistan, known for writing symbolic stories around the issues of political suppression.
Ahmad Nadeem Qasmi
Most outstanding Pakistani, Progressive poet. Also counted among leading fiction-writers. Edited an important literary magazine Funoon.
Ahmad Sagheer
Well known fiction writer, acknowledged for his stories on weaker sections of society.
Ahmad Yusuf
Akhtar Husain Raipurii
Noted progressive critic, linguist, and story writer; also translated literary works from Bangla and English.
Akhtar Orenvi
Prominent critic, scholar, fiction writer and poet also known for his romantic poetry.
Ali Abbas Husaini
Well-known story writer, playwright and critic, known for his story “Mela Ghoomani”
Ali Akbar Natiq
Prominent Pakistani poet and fiction writer, known for writing beautiful and meaningful poems, and famous for his novel 'Nolakhi Kothi'
Ali Imam Naqvi
Ali Sardar Jafri
One of the most celebrated progressive poets, literary critic, public intellectual and editor.Contemporary of Faiz Ahmad Faiz. Recipient of Gyanpeeth Award. Produced documentaries on Urdu poetry.
Altaf Fatima
Noted fiction writer from Pakistan; known for writing on women’s issues.
Amrita Pritam
Popular poetess-writer of Punjabi. Bharatiya Jnanpeeth Awardee.
Anand Yadav
Anwar Azeem
Prominent modernist story writer, famous for his symbolic stories.
Anwar Khan
Prominent story writer known for problematizing the issues of urban life
Anwar Qamar
Postmodernist story writer, known for his stories about the subaltern.